
Safe Accounting operates and enhance your throughout salaries, wages, employer tax, employee tax, employee’s insurance, sickness leave, claims from social authorities and pensions etc. Payroll for our clients are generated in accordance to information provided by our clients and tax authorities. Our accountants will identify you immediately in case of errors or omissions found in the information provided by you in comparison with overall company documents. Salary slips along with summary & other verification reports are sent to our clients on specific date of each month. Confirmation can be taken before if needed urgently. We also report to the tax authorities on behalf our clients with their employee tax and employer tax/social security tax on each term basis. Such dates can be found on the main page of our website called Tax Calendar 2014. These dates are strictly ensured to meet in terms of reporting. This reflects our commitment with client to provide the best service within right time and right quantity. We also order tax cards, registration forms, sick leave treatment employee and employer letters etc. Our reporting conclude ratio of salaries and other employment related expenses with comparison to overall cost & profit of the company.